Friday Notes: May 22, 2020
Friday Notes May 22, 2020 “Giving Thanks” Dear Family & Friends, It is always much easier to be thankful and give thanks when everything seems to be going our way. When life is good and we see God clearly...
Friday Notes May 22, 2020 “Giving Thanks” Dear Family & Friends, It is always much easier to be thankful and give thanks when everything seems to be going our way. When life is good and we see God clearly...
Friday Notes May 15, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, As we continue to endure this era of the COVID -19 Pandemic, I know that for the most part, we all see this as a very stressful time and a...
Friday Notes. May 8, 2020: Dear Family & Friends, As we enter into yet another Mother’s Day weekend, we are all familiar with the routine. We make this weekend special by offering gifts of flowers, candy and maybe a...
Friday Notes May 1, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, Throughout the scriptures we have many different places where they describe to us what the life of a believer ought to look like. In a similar way, they even describe...
Friday Notes April 24, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, I am not positive, about this, but I believe it was the late Billy Graham who asked the question; what is the difference between the Bible and a Newspaper? ...