Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

E.M.P.C. Reopening

Dear Ernest Myatt Church Family and Friends,

It is with a spirit of joy that I want to share with you the Session’s
decision to resume our worship at Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church. The
date that we have picked to resume is Sunday, June 28 th . We hope all who
are healthy and comfortable returning will be able to join us.

We will worship at our normal time of 11:00 A.M. However, that
may be the only thing that will be normal for us that day as we will be
implementing several safety precautions in light of the COVID 19
Pandemic. Here is a list of some of the precautions we will be asking you
to follow. We realize that these precautions may be quite constricting, but
we believe these are necessary at this point to ensure the safety of all of

 We will not be having Sunday School at this point.
 We will not be providing coffee, refreshments or socializing in the
Commons Area prior to worship.
 We will all enter and exit through the Main sanctuary doors.
 Everyone’s temperature will be read prior to entering the building.
 We will require all who attend to wear a mask throughout the
duration of the service.
 The seating will be spaced out in the sanctuary.
 The offering will consist of offering baskets at the exits.
 We will ask that socializing be done outside of the building and at
a safe distance.

Please do your best to remember these restrictions, but if you cannot
remember everything, do not be too concerned, we will be here to remind
you of what they are.

Again, we understand that things are not going to be the same at first, but
we believe by starting off focusing on our worship of God, this is the
appropriate place to begin. As conditions improve related to COVID 19, we
will be able to add some of our more familiar fellowship practices.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor John