Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

Friday Notes

June 5, 2020

“Bearing Witness” 

Dear Family & Friends, 

Even in the best of times, bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the faith we have can be a challenge.  So, how much more of a challenge can this be when we are dealing with difficult things and even difficult times. Yet, we are still called to do so. 

In fact, when we are facing adversity it is probably more needed and probably more profound to do so. 

Furthermore, when the world sees the people of God thinking of others and being a blessing to others, it certainly has the potential to bear a witness to the God who loves us and the Savior who redeems us. 

Therefore, in the midst of all the many trials that are in our lives right now, may we do the unnatural or even supernatural thing and find some way to be a blessing to those in our world, and in our lives. 

This may be something as simple as sharing a kind word or a kind gesture. Or it may be as grand as helping others financially. 

Whatever it may be, know that God may use it as a blessing and as a means of bearing witness to his name.   

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor John 

Please Note: During this Sunday’s 11:00am online service, please be prepared to take communion…wherever you may be joining from.