Friday Notes: July 24, 2020
Dear Family & Friends, It seems like one of the hardest things to do in life is to wait. We live in a world where waiting is almost extinct. We want everything in a hurry and everything right now....

Friday Notes: July 17, 2020
Friday Notes July 17, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, Human nature dictates that our number one goal in life is to look after number one; meaning ourselves. For some reason that is often times our primary obligation which often...

Friday Notes: July 3, 2020
Friday Notes July 3, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, How very blessed we are to live in the land of the free. Many years ago on the heals of the Great Awakeing our predecessors paved the way for us...

Friday Notes: June 26, 2020
Friday NotesJune 26, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, It is with long anticipation and a spirit of joythat we will be resuming our worship thisSunday at 11:00 A.M. It will be great to be able toworship our God together...