Friday Notes: June 26, 2020
Friday NotesJune 26, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, It is with long anticipation and a spirit of joythat we will be resuming our worship thisSunday at 11:00 A.M. It will be great to be able toworship our God together...
Friday NotesJune 26, 2020 Dear Family & Friends, It is with long anticipation and a spirit of joythat we will be resuming our worship thisSunday at 11:00 A.M. It will be great to be able toworship our God together...
E.M.P.C. Reopening Dear Ernest Myatt Church Family and Friends, It is with a spirit of joy that I want to share with you the Session’sdecision to resume our worship at Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church. Thedate that we have picked...
Dear Family & Friends, I recently had a friend from the hospital share with me a riddle. It goes like this: When do Doctors get upset? The answer is, when they run out of patients. In may ways that...
Friday Notes June 5, 2020 “Bearing Witness” Dear Family & Friends, Even in the best of times, bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the faith we have can be a challenge. So, how much more of a challenge can...
Friday Notes May 29, 2020 “Only One Thing is Needed” Dear Family & Friends, One of my frustrations that I am sure many of you are experiencing during this pandemic is the fact that we are not able to...