Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

Dear Family & Friends,

One of the biggest blessings we have as the people of God is being able to draw close to God and be in fellowship with God. I actually still have a hard time conceiving of this.

Just think about it, out of all of the people in the world; famous people, celebrities, royalty and even our favorite heroes, the God of the universe stands above them all, and yet desires to be with us and desires
to be in fellowship with us. How awesome is that!

However, far too often we find other people and other things to spend time with rather than the God who loves us and the God who created us, but there is no greater benefit than to spend time in worship, prayer and fellowship with our amazing, loving, almighty God.

Therefore, whatever season we are in, whether it be in the season of the pandemic or in the season of normality, may we all find the time and may we all find our way to commune with the God who redeems us and gives our lives the ultimate meaning available for all of us.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor John