Covered Lunch Reminder September 18, 2022
Join us September 18th after the 11 am Church Service for a covered lunch, fellowship, and a review from the Mission Study and Vision committees. Bring a side or dessert and an appetite!
Join us September 18th after the 11 am Church Service for a covered lunch, fellowship, and a review from the Mission Study and Vision committees. Bring a side or dessert and an appetite!
Devotions 365 Days a Year (a devotional page at d365.org) This week’s theme: God and Wealth d365 devotionals are comprised of 5 steps. The pause and go statements will stay the same throughout the week to center your mind....
“Are you Worried or Hassled?” Luke 12: 22-32, Colossians 3:11-17 22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is...
Devotions 365 Days a Year (a devotional page at d365.org) This week’s theme: Celebrate Mercy d365 devotionals are comprised of 5 steps. The pause and go statements will stay the same throughout the week to center your mind. The...
Sunday Sermon Live Stream September 4, 2022 “Potters and Prophets” “God is creative. The creative process can be difficult. God is persistent. – Shaping us to be the best form of ourselves.” Jeremiah 18: 1-10 The word that...
Devotions 365 Days a Year (a devotional page at d365.org) This week’s theme: Choosing a Path d365 devotionals are comprised of 5 steps. The pause and go statements will stay the same throughout the week to center your mind....
Devotions 365 Days a Year (a devotional page at d365.org) This week’s theme: Shine Bright d365 devotionals are comprised of 5 steps. The pause and go statements will stay the same throughout the week to center your mind. The...
If you’d like to make a monetary donation for the many flood victims recently, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is accepting donations online. Your money will be directed to the areas of most need. Click on the big red Donate Now...
Save the Date for our Covered Dish Luncheon on September 18 after our Sunday service. We will be hearing an update from the Mission and Vision Study Teams and enjoying some fellowship time. More details to come!
Devotions 365 Days a Year (a devotional page at d365.org) This week’s theme: Be Kind d365 devotionals are comprised of 5 steps. The pause and go statements will stay the same throughout the week to center your mind. The...