Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

Dear Family and Friends,

It has often been said that our culture often functions in a manner that
is totally opposite of the Bible’s teachings and how the Christian life
ought to be lived. In fact, we could easily come up with numerous ways
that this is true.

One of the ways this is true is regarding the whole concept of waiting
and developing patience. This is clearly something our culture and our
society has no room for anymore.

With our electronic devices and the ways that we speed things up,
patience has become a lost art and a lost spiritual discipline.

However, sometimes we still find ourselves in places and situations
where all we can do us wait. In fact, there are times that we are still
called to wait on God and wait on what God may have for us.

Furthermore, no Fax Machine, I Phone, Instagram or Text, can speed up
God’s will for our lives and we are left with waiting and trusting on
God’s timing for our lives.

The good news, however, is that God’s will and God’s timing is
always perfect and always the best for us.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor John