Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

Dear Family and Friends,

As we reflect back over this date 19 years ago, I can imagine that we
all remember exactly where we were and what we were doing. I, myself was having breakfast with a staff member at my former church when we heard and watched the demise of the twin towers.

We watched with great sadness and horror as so many innocent people were senselessly killed by a host of cowards.

Even though this was a horrible event, somehow there were some good
things that resulted from the event. One of them was how our country
came together and supported each other and even helped our country heal
in the aftermath of that day.

We also need that same support and healing now as country and even as
the body of Christ. It is no sin to disagree religiously or politically
as we are doing.  However, how we disagree can be a sin.

If our country is ever going to heal and become as unified as it needs
to be, the Church needs to lead the way.

It needs to lead the way in acceptable forms of disagreement. We
practice this week in our homes and in our churches.

May we also do so in our communities and in our world, knowing that the
greater cause of peace is greater than one’s own itinerary.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor John