Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC
Clerk of Session Bob Green presents John and Rhonda Langham with a commemorative plaque on behalf of the congregation

A  New Chapter

Thank you to all who attended John’s last service at Ernest Myatt. We were fortunate to have him as our pastor for thirteen years.  I wish John and Rhonda the best as they continue their ministry in Virginia.

They are gone but we are not alone. God is with us. We start a new chapter in the life and ministry of Ernest Myatt. The process to find a new minister has begun. The session is working hard as ever. The new class of elders have been approved and installed. With your support, hard work, vision and  love of God and love of each other, we will continue. Let us all strive to make Ernest Myatt thrive and be the house of God and Love we know it can be.

If you need anything during this transition period please don’t hesitate to contact me.

In His Service,

Bob Green

Clerk of the Session
