Friday Notes
May 29, 2020
“Only One Thing is Needed”
Dear Family & Friends,
One of my frustrations that I am sure many of you are experiencing during this pandemic is the fact that we are not able to do all that we are normally do. We cannot socialize like we want. We cannot shop as much as we want. We cannot go to the movies or a ball game or any large public gathering.
In many ways, We cannot do what we normally do. Heck, we cannot even worship together and actively be the church in the way we want. Like I mentioned, I am sure all of this is just as frustrating for you as it is for me.
However, one positive thing is that we have more time on our hands to do those things that we say we never have time to do. For some that might mean a project at the house, like more cleaning or some other project. For others, that might mean a movie marathon.
Or for us as people of faith it might mean spending a little more personal time with God. I have heard many people over the years say that they would spend more time with God in prayer and study if they only had the time. Maybe now is that time.
I am reminded of the story in Luke 10, when Jesus goes to the home of Mary and Martha. In Martha’s eyes the Christian life was all about being active and busy. Many of us, I would guess feel the same way. However, Jesus clarifies that what Mary does in this situation is better and what Mary does is sit at the feet of Jesus.
Again, maybe one of the best uses of our time and most productive uses our time right now, very well be sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning what God may have for us right now.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John