Friday Notes

March 27, 2020

Dear family & friends, 

As we continue to walk through and even live through the era of this current Corona Virus, there is no doubt that all of this is taking it’s toll on all of us.  Whether we have the actual virus or not, we are all being affected by it. It has altered our lives and in many ways altered us.

 I am personally amazed at how tired I am at the end of each day.  Even though I have not exerted myself physically, I find myself emotionally and psychologically drained.  

As a result of listening to the news in hope of good news and as a result of concerning myself with the future of our country state and even community I find myself fatigued with all of it.  

However, I also remind myself that we serve a Lord who has been through far worse than this and has triumphed over it.  In fact, I think about the fact that the way many are feeling about life right now may have been the way the world felt, before the coming of our Lord.  

Yet, the hope that the world received in the coming of our Messiah, is the same hope that we can cling to now. We can cling to the hope that we have not only heard of, but have already experienced. Let us all then, in this season of hope never give up hope and let us all remain faithful to the God who has always been faithful to us. 

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor John