Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church Raleigh NC

Dear Family & Friends,

I hope that we would all agree at least in theory, we are blessed.  Yet,
there are times that we don’t feel blessed.

There are times that we endure hardship and pain and during those times
feeling blessed is not the first thing that comes to our mind.

However, being blessed is not always about the absence of pain or the
absence of some kind of trial.
Even in the midst of these times we can still acknowledge that we are
blessed because we know that our God walks with us always.

In fact, in Matthew 28, as Jesus speaks to the disciples, he also speaks
to us when he said, “and surely I will always be with you.”
We don’t always  get to escape the trials of this life, but the greatest
blessing we have is that we walk through life differently, because the
God who created us, joins us and walks with us wherever we may go.

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor John