Friday Notes
May 22, 2020
“Giving Thanks”
Dear Family & Friends,
It is always much easier to be thankful and give thanks when everything seems to be going our way. When life is good and we see God clearly at work is when we tend to have an attitude of gratitude.
However, whenever we hit a “rough patch”, we are not as apt to express our thanksgiving. When we are ill, or when we are in some type of crisis, being thankful is not the first thing on our minds.
Yet the scriptures teach us in first Thessalonians 5:18, to be “Thankful in all circumstances.” Now, we may not always be able to happy with where we are or with what we are experiencing, but hopefully there is something we can thank God for, in whatever situation we are in.
As we continue in this time may we reflect upon what good may come our way in the midst of what clearly seems to be a challenging time.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John